Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)
CGWLAA works with governmental and non-governmental entities to help prevent and/or control the spread of invasive species. Lakes are monitored for the presence of Eurasian watermilfoil, zebra mussels, starry stonewort, spiny water flea, and other AIS. Our objectives are to keep the board of directors and membership up to date on invasive species in our region and statewide. We investigate reports of invasive species in our immediate area and contact the Minnesota DNR to verify. Treatment of verified aquatic invasive species is pursued to initiate control measures and to monitor the chain for any recurrences in order to take appropriate action. AIS updates are provided at the annual member meeting of the CGWLAA.
Over recent years, we have worked closely with Cass County and the Soil and Water Conservation District to deploy trained watercraft inspectors at public launch ramps on our chain. We also have trained AIS Detector volunteers and work with the Association of Cass County Lakes (ACCL) to develop collaborative efforts to help prevent new introductions of invasive species in Cass County. A recent example of this collaboration was installing Cleaning Station Signs and Hand tools at our chain of lakes public accesses.
In 2024, PLM Lake and Land Management Corporation completed the first of our access site surveys on Child, Woman, and Girl Lakes on June 27th. No newly discovered AIS were found with the designated search areas (unimproved launch area on Child Lake and DNR launch ramps on Woman and Girl). PLM will complete the second and final survey near the end of August into early September. The full report will be completed after the second survey.
There are several providers in the local area where you can have your watercraft decontaminated. This is one important way to stop the spread. Please check the Cass County website for updates about FiveStar providers. stopais-casscountymn.hub.arcgis.com.
In 2025, we have budgeted to expand the PLM survey to sites near resorts where boats may be launched and we are continuing to work with Cass County on securing an AIS Decontamination unit for public access.